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Quote of the day

Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school. ~ Albert Einstein

Mision, Vision and Core Principles

Vision Statement

he Vision of the Wesley Powell Learning Resource Centre is to facilitate research and innovation.

Mission Statement

The Wesley Powell Learning Resource Centre enhances lifelong learning through the provision of resources, training and access to information services to all users.

Core Values

The Library embraces the following core  values of the ECC.

  • Customer-focused: we commit to provide relevant resources to satisfy customer needs and provide competent and friendly staff to assist the research needs of all patrons in a comfortable environment
  • Accountability we ensure our decisions are data informed and grounded in the best interest of our students and their communities.
  • Integrity-  we deal honestly and fairly with clients in all transactions
  •  Respect: we value individual differences and treat others with civility,  
  • encouraging diversity, openness and honest communication


The main objectives of the LRC are to:

  • provide resources for curriculum support and research and study
  • enable users to effectively utilize available resources and facilities, by providing relevant training
  • provide resource personnel to assist staff and students
  • maintain an up-to-date collection of material and equipment for research and study.
  • promote information literacy as support towards life-long learning
  • provide resources and facilities for other designated community activities.

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Library Opening Hours
  • Mondays-Fridays: 8:30am-8pm
  • Saturdays 10:00am-6pm
  • Sundays: Closed

Library Rules

  • No Food and Drink is allowed in the library.
  • Silence should be practised at all times
  • Bags should be left at the counter